Frequently Asked Questions


  • We currently do not accept insurance but you can pay using your health savings account (HSA) or flexible spending account (FSA).

    Some insurers reimburse for evaluation services, but others may require a ‘prior authorization.’ Additionally, evaluations that we consider to be clinically relevant may not be considered medically necessary, and insurance will not cover these assessments.

  • You do not need a physician referral to get services from Hive Child Development.

  • We can assess for all neurodevelopmental disorders, including Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Intellectual Developmental Disorder (IDD), Global Developmental Delay, Language Disorders, and Specific Learning Disorders. We also assess for anxiety, mood (i.e., depression), and behavioral disorders.

    See our testing capabilities page for more details.

  • No. IEPs, or Individualized Education Programs, are written, implemented, and governed by your child’s school. Part of the processes to obtain an IEP involves the school’s multidiscipliary team (M-Team) completing an evaluation of your child’s strengths and challenges. Your child’s evaluation at Hive may inform the school’s evaluation, and we frequently complete the same, or similar, testing. Hive providers are eager to collaborate with your child’s school to ensure they are receiving the best supports possible.


IEPs and 504 Plans


What is IQ Testing?