Testing Capabilities

We are able to provide targeted or comprehensive evaluations, depending on the child's and family's needs.


Achievement testing evaluates a child’s proficiency in academic subjects, such as reading, writing, and mathematics.


Evaluation of social communication abilities and the presence of restricted or repetitive behaviors/interests using gold-standard clinical measures.

Adaptive Behavior

Adaptive behavior is how we navigate and cope with the demands and challenges of everyday life. It involves practical and conceptual skills such as effective communication, social interaction, and self-care.

Behavioral / Emotional

Broad-band or targeted rating scales can evaluate behavioral and/or emotional needs of your child, including anxiety, mood, attention, hyperactivity, and challenging behaviors.

Early Development

Early developmental assessments evaluate a young child’s early cognitive, language, and motor abilities to make sure they are keeping on track with developmental milestones.

Executive Functioning

As the manager of your brain, executive functioning coordinates different cognitive processes that help you plan, organize, regulate, make decisions, and stay on track with your goals.


Intellectual assessment evaluates a child’s cognitive abilities and potential, measuring skills such as reasoning, verbal comprehension, and visual perceptual skills, among others.


Language is essential to learning and effectively communicating through and feelings. Assessment in this area can include spoken language, vocabulary, grammar, and social language.


Memory plays a central role in learning. Memory assessment can evaluate a child’s visual, verbal, and working memory skills to give valuable insights into their cognitive processes.

Testing Kits & Protocols

  • The ADOS-2 is an assessment tool to aide in diagnosing autism spectrum disorder. It consists of a series of semi-structured play-based activities designed to observe and assess social communication, interaction, play, and behavior. Activities are tailored towards a child’s language and developmental level.

  • Assessment tool designed to evaluate the developmental functioning of infants and young children from birth to 42 months. It assesses early cognitive, language, and motor skills. The Bayley provides valuable insights into a child's developmental progress and can identify potential delays or concerns early on.

  • Evaluation of a young child’s school readiness in terms of their understanding of basic concepts such as numbers, letters, colors, shapes and size concepts.

  • The CARS-2 helps evaluate signs and symptoms related to autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in children. It combines information gathered through direct observation and report by caregiver(s).

  • The CELF-5 and CELF-P-2 (for preschoolers) provides a complete picture of a child’s language ability, including expressive and receptive skills, along with semantics, morphology, and pragmatics.

  • The NEPSY assesses a wide range of cognitive processes, including executive functioning/attention, language, memory/learning, sensorimotor, visuospatial, and social perception. Subtests are chosen based on a specific concerns and help develop appropriate intervenion recommendations.

  • The WIAT-4 is a comprehensive measure of academic skills including reading, writing, and math skills. Evaluation of academic progress can help inform if a child has a specific learning disorder or would benefit from additional school supports.

  • The WISC-5 is an intelligence test that measures a child’s ability in domains such as verbal comprehension, visual spatial ability, working memory, fluid reasoning, and processing speed.

  • The WPPSI-IV measures cognitive development in preschoolers and young children.

  • The WRAT-5 is a brief measure of reading, spelling, and math for school aged children.